Tag Archives: treat

Popcorn Cake

So, I’m not sure if any of you were watching TV yesterday, but the New York Giants won the Super Bowl! For those of you who don’t know me all that well, I am a huge Giants fan, so for my friends and I, this was more than a get-together to watch commercials. Some might […]

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Watermelon Granita

Do you know what one of the greatest things is about summer? If you answered watermelon, you are correct! (If you said the beach, ice cream, mojitos, or the smell of sunblock, you would also be correct in other circumstances.) I love watermelon, and I find it ridiculous to pay twice as much for a […]

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Chocolate Puddin’ Pie

I’m really all about not baking lately. You read that correctly. I’m looking for any excuse not to turn on the oven because even the thought of it makes me hot. When I do turn on my oven, to roast veggies or make shrinky dinks, I make sure it’s late at night, at an hour […]

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Banana “Ice Cream”

So guess what I had for breakfast this morning… Banana “Ice Cream.” Yeah. That’s right. It’s a recipe that was a few days in the making because I’d frozen the bananas a few days ago, and have been threatening to make this ever since. I got home from playing tennis too late last night to […]

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Jello Cookies

I was looking for a kid-friendly recipe for a barbecue around the 4th, and considered doing red, white, and blue layered Jello when I came across this recipe. They seemed simple enough to make, and I thought it was a pretty cool idea to use the Jello for the flavoring in the cookies. (You could […]

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