Tag Archives: almond

Matzah Bark 2013

It’s a bit of a cop out to re-do a recipe, but I haven’t made this in 3 years! And it’s fantastic, quick and easy to make, and I did put a 2013 spin on it! I also had mentioned it to my coworkers, and they were eager to try it. It’s so easy to […]

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Banana “Ice Cream”

So guess what I had for breakfast this morning… Banana “Ice Cream.” Yeah. That’s right. It’s a recipe that was a few days in the making because I’d frozen the bananas a few days ago, and have been threatening to make this ever since. I got home from playing tennis too late last night to […]

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recipes worth repeating – biscotti and mostly cocoa brownies

I know, I know, repeats. However, since these recipes were slightly different than the first time I made them, I figured I should share. Plus it’s not like I can make brand new stuff every time! Trust me, I tried. Also, there were a couple of family birthdays, and repeat recipes are always good for […]

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Jersey Shore and Biscotti

At work a week and a half ago we had a Jersey Shore viewing party. If you don’t know about Jersey Shore, you’re probably better off, but I LOVE IT! Total guilty pleasure show, but I’m not as ashamed of it as you might think – or maybe as I should be. Anyways, I’m not […]

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10 little shells in 2 straight lines, that’s how I made my Madeleines

So what it’s not pronounced Madeline, you understand where I’m coming from. One of my coworkers told me how much he loves these cookies, so I said one day I’d get around to making them. Since I’ve never had one myself, I read a bunch of different recipes and took the parts I liked from […]

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