Amazon Free Download Days

**The free download days are over, but these Real Life Legal™ books are still a great resource if you’re looking for some legal info but aren’t sure if you need to involve a lawyer.**

Hello readers! I’m excited to tell you guys about this because it’s something I’ve been working hard on, as has my mother. She launched a series of books called Real Life Legal™, and they’re like Cliffs Notes or “For Dummies” books on legal matters. And each guide was written by a lawyer who specializes in that area of the law.

There are 10 titles in all, including ones on Estate Planning and Planning for a Special Needs Child, but I also wanted to let you know that today, December 3rd, you have the opportunity to download these books for free from Amazon! (Sorry, this freebie deal is over!) They’re a great resource for anyone who wants basic info on a subject without having to pay a lawyer off the bat, and every download helps get eyes on this awesome series.

Anyway, since this is a project close to my heart, I wanted to share it with the world! Please take advantage of this offer and help spread the word about Real Life Legal!


One comment

  1. Aw thanks Jessie! We had abou 3000 on day one and two. I love you! Xoxxo

    Sent from my iPhone


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